koi keeping, water gardening, and aquaponics – Grow with us in 2025
Next general meeting scheduled for March 18 at 7:30 PM, via Zoom. Topic is Spring Shows and Events plus Pond Q&A. Email info@sckoi.com for login credentials.
Click to visit our library where you can find our most recent newsletter, The Splash. Back issues can be found in the library.
Have Pond or Koi Question or issue?
We will do our best to provide assistance. Our membership has much combined experience with most Koi, pond, and water gardening issues. If you have a question or issue contact us at info@sckoi.com.
Santa Clara Valley Koi and Water Garden Club is a non-profit organization that promotes and educates the public about the hobbies of Koi keeping, water gardening, and DYI aquaponics. We also assist with Koi fish rescue and relocation.
We meet most months on the third Tuesday at 7:30 PM (except February / November). The club uses a hybrid approach with meetings taking place using Zoom or in-person depending upon event / social / meet up. The club hosts an annual holiday event (in person) the first weekend in December for the membership.
SCVKWG club is affiliated with the International Water Lily and Water Garden Society (IWGS). Our club offers ongoing support to local and regional Koi groups, events, and education on as needed basis. If you or your group would like support for a Koi, water garden, or DYI aquaponics related effort reach out.
Club dues are $50.00 per year per household (up to 2 adults/ 2 children). To join , send contact information with dues to: SCVKWG, PO Box 54368, San Jose, CA, 95154. Guests are welcome to attend their first meeting or two, we ask that if guests would like to attend more frequently that they join the club by paying dues.
Koi Mart
Interested in buying or selling new or used Koi, water garden, or aquaponic related items. Check out our Koi Mart page
Don’t forget to visit our sponsors. They help make this club possible. You can get straight to their sites from the Sponsors page. Just click on their ads. While we love their ads and you depend on them to get the Koi, pond, and water gardening supplies you need, SCVKWG club does not endorse any business or product. Please use your best judgement when selecting a vendor or product.
The links at the top of the page will take you to the other pages on our site. Enjoy and Happy Koi Keeping & Water Gardening.
Club Contact information
- Email: info@sckoi.com
- Mailing Address: PO Box 54368, San Jose, CA 95154
- Meeting Location: The club uses a hybrid approach for monthly meetings depending season utilizing both Zoom and in-person formats. In addition to monthly meetings, the membership meets up at member’s ponds for socials, we visit public spaces, and attend events that are of interest to our group.