Oase Pond Vacuum For Sale: Oase” pond Vac. In like new condition as it was only used once. It is complete. Call Dave at (408) 694-7149 / email: ducsmith@yahoo.com [Posted August 2024]
Pond Help Wanted: We have several club members who are interested in finding pond helpers for occasional projects. Contact info@sckoi.com if you or someone you know would be interested. Will provide training. Helpers would work outdoors with Koi, ponds, and water plants. [Posted Summer 2024]
Pond Equipment for Sale: Used and refurbished pond filter, pump, and bio-filter for sale. Text (408) 206 4841. [Re -posted Summer 2024]
To place an ad for Koi, Water Garden, or aquaponic related items, email info@sckoi.com with your offer. Club members receive complementary ads (up to 4 per year, per membership), others we ask for a $10 donation to the club. Ads remain posted here until items sold (up to one year).
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